Saturday, September 14, 2013

Unleash the Villains

Yesterday was Friday the 13th. Here's how I spent mine.

I went to Hollywood Studios for Unleash the Villains, where thirteen villains run out until the thirteenth hour. 

It was pretty rad, just overcrowded. I swear, the park was over capacity. And I believe, MGM is the smallest wdw park. You could barely move unless you were near Star Tours, or the Streets of America. I think Disney was not expecting a turnout this big. Some of the cast members were saying it was like New Years again. 

The line to meet Goob, Shang-Yi, & Oogey Boogey was crazy long. It wrapped around about 3-5 buildings. And the line for merch took up almost all of Sunset Boulevard. I stood in some bushes and got these pics of the Hun. 

We were super hungry, so we ate at the Sci-Fi dine in. It was so vintage. The sodas were like real Coke, not just carbonated flavored sugar water. They even has the old ketchup bottles that I didn't know how to squeeze, because you gotta tap the 76 to make it come out. The tables and booths were old cars which were cool to sit in and watch the movie. Especially since it's indoors!

Here are some pictures from that: 

After dinner, we walked down the overcrowded Sunset Blvd. and saw that Fantasmic! wasn't full and still letting people in (which is a first because usually nobody can get in unless you've been lined up for at least an hour in advance.) so I haven't seen that since I was in a stroller. It was so cool, and my parents said it definitely changed. My sister was completely terrified at some parts, as well.

(Mickey Mouse at the very top!) 

It wasn't the most magical of nights, but Disney actually did really go over beyond with this. My friend who was at Magic Kingdom, whilst I at MGM, said they were making people park at EPCOT to come to MGM. Crazy, right? 

In my opinion, they should've delayed the Not-So-Scary Halloween  party, and have the UTV at Magic Kingdom. That park is bigger, and has more opportunities to do more. 

It was really cool though.


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